A Study on Training and Development Practices in Banking Sector of Bangladesh
The project report represents training and development practices in banking sector of Bangladesh. The study is conducted to provide a clear idea of Janata bank and Prime bank training activities and their practices. However, the aim of making the report is to analyze the necessity of training practices in the banking area. The main objective of this report is to generate an overall understanding of both Banks’ training and development practices. This report is mainly categorized into seven parts .The main part depends on the presentation of the report, which includes topics such as the backgrounds, objectives, methodologies, and limitations of the study. The second and third chapters include a short history of the company and their banking activities and also include the Importance of training and development practices of both banks. Chapter four is basically the literature review part here I describe briefly about the national and international training process and also include the benefit and importance of training and development in banking sector. Chapter 5 contains the main findings and the analysis of training practices of both bank and finally, chapter six and seven indicates the recommendation and summarizes the study with a conclusion.
- HRM [139]