School of Business and Economics (SoBE): Recent submissions
Now showing items 401-420 of 2529
Evaluation of General Banking Activities of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. (Banani Branch)
(2023-05-24)The prime objective of this report is to evaluate the general banking activities of FSIBL as well as to analyse customer satisfaction of the said bank in the general banking sector. For preparing the report, this study ... -
Digital Marketing and Sales Strategy of CodersTrust Bangladesh
(2023-05-16)Digital marketing and sales management activities have become increasingly important for businesses in Bangladesh, especially in recent years. With the rise of internet penetration and social media usage, companies are ... -
Employee Engagement of Dutch Bangla Bank Limited
(2023-05-13)Employee engagement refers to the commitment and involvement of the workers towards their organization and its values. The main objective of this research is to study the impact of employee engagement on the performance ... -
Training and development process of Ad Din Foundation
(United International University, 2023-05-15)Ad-din Foundation is a reputed organization in Bangladesh. Ad-din Foundation was established in 1980. At present, Ad-din has numerous ongoing projects, including hospitals in Dhaka, Keranigonj, Jessore, Kushtia, Khulna, ... -
The Impact of E- Recruitment on Organizational Performance: A Study on Elegant Group
(2023-05)The report titled “The Impact of E- Recruitment on Organizational Performance: A Study on Elegant Group “was initially developed as a mandatory coursework component for the BBA Programme at United International University. ... -
Social Media as an Effective Tool for Business Promotion: Example from Bengal Plastic Limited
(2023-05-13)The report titled "Social Media as an Effective Tool for Business Promotion: Example from Bengal Plastic Limited" presents an overview of the author's internship experiences at the company. The report comprises five chapters ... -
(2023-05-11)Blood donation is one of the most significant contributions that a person can make towards the society. The World Blood Donor Day is observed on 14th June every year. An ailing body needs blood for various reasons. It may ... -
Internship Report on ‘’ The impact of technology on HR functions of Datapath Limited ‘’
(United International University, 2023-05-11)This report is basically based on the impact of technology on the HR functions of Datapath Limited. In the beginning the report describes the overall report's background, scope, primary and secondary objectives, methodology, ... -
Enhancing Undergraduate Business Student Performance through Education Data Mining: A Study on Classification, Regression, and Pattern Analysis
(2023-05-10)This is a research paper that focuses on education data mining and its impact on improving the education system in Asian countries. The paper highlights the importance of using data mining to improve the quality of education, ... -
Overall HR practice of IPDC Finance Ltd.
(United International University, 2023-05-09)This Internship report is based on the “overall HR practice of IPDC Finance limited”. This report is required for the bachelor degree at United International University. The Introduction, which is the opening chapter, ... -
Internship Report On “Amin Mohammad Group Operating Income Assessment in the Perspective of the Real Estate Industry"
(2023-05-09)The report outlines the abilities and knowledge I developed throughout the course of my six-month work opportunity with the Amin Mohammad Group. The Amin Mohammad Group is closely examined in this section. It is critical ... -
Customer Relationship Management Practices by the Singularity Limited
(2023-04-15)This paper provides a thorough examination of the CRM procedures now in place at Singularity Limited, a prominent digital marketing firm. The purpose of the research was to analyze the company's CRM strategy and determine ... -
Managerial Perceptions Concerning Work Environment: A study on some selected IT organizations in Bangladesh
(2023-05-06)This executive summary provides an overview of the study on managerial perceptions concerning work environment in Bangladesh. The report aims to identify and analyze the key components of work environment as perceived by ... -
Consumer Purchase Intention in the Superstore context of Bangladesh – An Analysis
(United International University, 2023-05-03)The purpose of this report is to show how customers show their choices of superstores in the context of Bangladesh. Despite the fact that the Bangladeshi superstore sector is still in its early stages, it is highly established ... -
Customer Retention Management of ShopUp
(2023-04-12)Micro-entrepreneurs are familiar with the brand name ShopUp, which is quite prominent in the e-commerce industry. In addition, a number of micro-entrepreneurs have registered their businesses under the corporate brand name ... -
Internship Report on General Banking Activities of AB Bank Limited
(2023-04-16)The study's goals are to examine and evaluate credit management, pinpoint "General Banking Activities," and suggest solutions to AB Bank Ltd.'s issues. This report's preparation used both source and secondary material. ... -
(2023-04-15)Throughout India, Eicher Trucks & Buses is the top-selling manufacturer of heavy trucks. Eicher offers a variety of trucks and buses, including transport lorries, tipper trucks, school buses, staff buses, and more. In ... -
“Designing and Implementing a University Network Architecture using Cisco Packet Tracer”
(2023-04-15)In this project paper, I have demonstrated a computer-network design integrated into a university campus to make official works smooth and uninterpreted. The network in a university is typically defined as the part of the ... -
Financial & Non-Financial Performance Evaluation of “Amin Mohammad Group”
(2023-04-05)This study's goal is to assess the Amin Mohammad Group's existing organizational practices, examine its financial and non-financial situation to see how it has endured, and provide any recommendations for changes. Both ... -
Recruitment and Selection Process of First Security Islami Bank Limited
(2023-04-05)The report is focused on the recruitment and selection processes as they are practiced by First Security Islami Bank Ltd. (FSIBL). The introduction begins with my understanding of the recruitment and selection process and ...