HRM: Recent submissions
Now showing items 81-100 of 139
Human Resource Management Practices of NRB Global Bank
(United International University, 2020-12-15)Doing the internship at NRB Global Bank, I have been gathered both the personal and academic level. The report I was given to prepared was on the Human Resource management of NRB Global bank. Basically I need to focus on ... -
A Study on Training and Development Practices in Banking Sector of Bangladesh
(2020)The project report represents training and development practices in banking sector of Bangladesh. The study is conducted to provide a clear idea of Janata bank and Prime bank training activities and their practices. However, ... -
Strategic HR Planning: A Strategic Determinant for Improved Performance
(2020-12-02)Internship program is mandatory for the students at UNITED INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY under the curriculum of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) with a view to familiarizing them with the corporate world. As a BBA ... -
(2020-11-26)Learning and Development are one of the best concepts for human resources management. In addition, it is also considered as training and development, which discusses the aspects in which organizations sustain their best ... -
Recruitment and Selection Process of IT Personnel in Synesis IT Ltd
(2020)Recruitment and selection is an important operation in HRM, designed to maximize employee strength in order to meet the employer’s strategic goal and objectives. It is a process of sourcing, screening, short listing the ... -
A Project Report on Job Satisfaction of the Employees of Trust Bank Limited.
(United International University, 2020-10-12)The core purpose of this report is to know the employee job satisfaction. For this reason, I had to gain a practical area of responsibilities of the employees and interact with them to understand their views and relationship ... -
INTERNSHIP REPORT ON "Human Resource Management Practices of Data Path Limited".
(2020)This report is about the Data-Path Ltd. which is a business process outsourcing organization. In Data-Path there are twelve departments and all departments are doing separate kinds of work to provide a Great service. The ... -
Project report on "Conflict between HR & Generation Z"
(2020)In Today's workplace, we can see that, there are multigenerational workforces. Those are identified by different mentalities, styles, priorities, work ethics, dissimilar values and many more. There are gloomy and confusing ... -
(United International University, 2020-07-29)In this report, manifold general activities of Modhumoti Bank Limited have been tried to illustrate by me and also found out the lacking of these activities. The impact of these activities on the bank’s profitability has ... -
(United International University, 2020-06-13)The garment industry in Bangladesh, in fact, is the livelihood of the urban and rural poor, as it is the only large sector that requires labor and therefore offers enormous job opportunities. Half of the population of ... -
An Overview of Performance Appraisal in Kazi Farms Group
(2020-05-16)The Human Resource Department of “Kazi Farms Group “is a best place for learning HR related issues. In recent years, Bangladesh has been progressing at a growing rate and the role of farms sector has been vast. Kazi Farms ... -
Project Report on Factors Affecting the Performance Appraisal System in Service Organizations.
(2020-02-26)Performance appraisal is a very important element for any business to succeed in the long run. It assists the companies to measure the performance of its employees with the help of a few components. Therefore, in order to ... -
Talent Management and Its Implications on Firm’s Productivity
(2020-02-23)It was a great opportunity for me to work in this project and find out real insights regarding Talent Management prospects in our country. To do my research, I have selected Banking sector of Bangladesh as my focus, ... -
A Study on Training and development practices in private banking sector
(UIU, 2020-02-17)Banking industry is one of a significant piece of our nation which is altogether refining our national economy. For each Business understudies they have a hierarchical encounter for 3 months’ time frame for their undertaking ... -
General banking of First Security Islami Bank Ltd.
(2020-02-11)This report is prepared as requirement of the internship of BBA program of United International University. This report focuses Three months working experiences in Postogola Branch, FIRST SECUIRITY ISLAMI BANK LIMITED. ... -
The Recruitment and Selection Procedure of Kazi Farms Group
(2020-01-01) -
Human Resource Practices of SME Division of IDLC Finance Limited
(United International University, 2020-02-04)IDLC Finance Limited is one the most renowned and trusted non-financial banking institution of Bangladesh. In 1985, IDLC started its journey and gradually expanded their services. IDLC SME division started journey in 2005 ... -
Assessing training mechanism with the comparisons between Private Bank and Public Bank
(United International University, 2020-01-11)A training and development program brings all employees to higher level so that they all have similar skill and knowledge. Banking sector is a very important part for a country development so that this is necessary to ... -
A Project on Factors Determines of Employee Performance Evaluation That Create Impacts on Employee Satisfaction – A Study on Standard Group of Company.
(2020-01-14)The study determine performance evaluation and satisfaction of the employee of Standard Group of Company, the questionnaire data information has to collect from Human resource managers and executives about the determinants ... -
AN INTERNSHIP REPORT ON The Human Resource Management Practices in Social Islami Bank Limited
(2020-01-14)The Internship report represents 3-month experiences on HR practices in Social Islami Bank Limited, Vatara Branch. The study is conducted to provide a clear idea of SIBL's banking activities and their human resources ...